School Days

We’ve not done a lot of “school” in the past two months.  Life’s been about survival and finding our new normal.  But we have been doing a lot of learning and some special projects.  A couple of weeks ago I stopped by Michaels while Carlos was at soccer practice and I found several great projects!!  We did this one last week and I highly recommend it!!

  Each kit cost only $1.00 and came with all the necessary parts and finishing product (sandpaper, glue, paint, even the paint brushes)!!  Carlos was able to do the entire project with limited instruction and Jeremiah was able to do the sanding and painting (water based paint…love that!!) all on his own.  I did the glue part because his backhoe had a lot of small parts and Jeremiah was ready to be done with project time!


Don’t you love chubby little hands!!

Working hard

Natalie could not do this project and was NOT happy about it!!

Finished product

Our School Room

A few other projects hanging on the wall

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