Happy Birthday Natalie!!

Today is Natalie’s first birthday!!  So I thought I would share her birthday letter and some pictures from this past year.

Natalie, one year ago today you were born at 1:21 in the afternoon.  One year ago today we were longing, hoping and waiting for our daughter.  You have brought so much love and joy to our family Natalie!  Someone once told me that you have soul-full eyes and you do….they laugh when you laugh, they sparkle and shine when you are happy, they flash when you are angry, and they gleam with mischievous light when you are in trouble.

I remember the first time I saw you, being carried down the steps, wearing a white dress.  You were so beautiful!  I could not believe that you were my baby girl!  I was so excited to see you, to hold you, to count your toes and fingers, to feel your silky hair, to smell your baby smell.  And now I still love holding you.  I love it when you put your hand in mine when I’m giving you your morning bottle.  I love feeling your silky curls…although sometimes they are just a wild mess!!  And I still love smelling your baby smell!

You have changed so much this year….from a tiny baby to a big sister!  Most babies don’t become big sisters at 10 months and you’ve done it with grace (and a few tears).  You are so gentle to Ben.  Each morning when Papa brings you downstairs and puts you in bed with me and Ben you always peak over at him with a big smile on your face and say, “hi”.  You pat his face and occasionally try to poke his eyes (but who could blame you, they look so interesting).  This past year you’ve learned to: smile, laugh, roll over, crawl, pull up, stand, walk and now run.  You’ve also learned sign language, how to give kisses and hugs, eat all by yourself.  You know where you nose, eyes, hair and mouth are and you know what a dog says.  You like to read books (for about 2.5 seconds), play with your kitchen and play in my kitchen cabinets!

I love you Natalie Grace and I will always be your mommy!!

Meeting Natalie for the first time

Seven weeks old

2.5 months old (4th of July)

First taste of “real” food

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