Ben’s Birth Story Part 2

I was feeling very exhausted and decided to take a little nap.  About 2:30 I told Stephen to go and get something to eat….since he was rummaging around in my bag looking for a snack and since he had not had anything to eat since breakfast.  And who knows how long this labor thing was going to last anyway.  So he decided to go get some real food at Subway.  I again fell asleep until about 3:00 and then the nurse told me that I was at 10 and could start pushing!!  I could not believe that I was already at 10!! Yippee!!  I figured since Stephen had been gone for about 30 minutes that he should be back anytime.  About 10 minutes later he still had now shown up, so I called him, “hey, babe, I’m at 10 and can start pushing….where are you?”  Poor Stephen was like, “What?!!?! Your ready to push!!”  He had decided to take his sandwich to his office and send out an email while he ate, so he’s downtown with no gas in his truck and I’m all set and ready to have this baby!!  

So Stephen dashes out to his truck, runs a few red lights, puts a couple of bucks worth of gas in his truck and makes it back to the hospital in record time.  At 3:30 I start pushing.  And if we had known that almost four hours later I would still be pushing, he would not have rushed back to the hospital!  By 7:15pm I was exhausted, Ben was not moving and the doctor said it was time for a C-section.

Over the past 3 weeks I’ve had this strange feeling that Ben is not safe in my womb anymore.  I’m not sure why I’ve had that feeling, but from time to time I would get really scared that something was wrong with him, especially if I had not felt movement for a couple of hours.  So after pushing with no success for 3+ hours, the doctor said we could try the vacuum and see if he just needed a little help.  They were preparing for the procedure and Ben’s heart rate just went crazy and stayed crazy for a few minutes.  Well, that totally freaked me out and all I could think was, “I have not come this far for something to happen to my baby.  We are so close to getting him safely into the world.”  So we decided to skip the vacuum and go right to have the C-section done.  After that it was a blur of activity….getting prepped, nurses were changing shifts, paperwork to sign….crazy.

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