What Works for Me Wednesday

I may be the only mom, but I suspect not, who struggles with “Toy Clutter”.  Or lets just face it, clutter of any kind.  Somehow there’s always stuff laying around and by the end of the day our living area looks like a tornado has blown through!  This is not my original idea, but I have to say that it has worked fabulously for our family!  I got the idea from my sister-in-love and it’s called “Clean for the King”.  The “King” being the king of our home, Stephen!  Each afternoon, about 30 minutes before Stephen comes home I tell the boys “Ok, it’s time to clean for the king.”  It’s simple!  If there are toys on the floor in the living room, dinning/kitchen area they must be picked up and put away!  It normally takes 10-15 minutes and it improves the chaos in our home by 100%.  And I feel like Stephen gets to come home to an orderly (or at least semi-orderly) home!

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