“Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!”

Yesterday morning Carlos woke up with great excitement and came dashing downstairs with, “mommy there’s snow outside!!!”  Sometime during the night it snowed about 1 ½ inches leaving us with a winter wonder land!  Carlos later told me with great confidence, “I prayed and asked God to send me snow and He did!!”

After breakfast we all bundled up (what a job that was!!) and headed outside to play.  Natalie was NOT impressed with her snowsuit.  Poor thing, she just howled when I put it and the hat on her and was not happy until we got outside.  Once she was outside though, she was pretty happy.  Jeremiah really liked playing in the snow this year and stayed outside as long as Carlos did!  Neither he or Carlos would leave their gloves on though and their little hands were just frozen!  Natalie and I only stayed outside about 20 minutes but the boys played for about an hour.  They drove their trucks down the snowy hill, jumped on the snow covered trampoline and Carlos attempted to build a snowman……he did not preserver and only made a tiny ball and then gave up. The snow was pretty much melted by lunch time, but it was fun and beautiful while it lasted.

Yes, Carlos is giving Natalie her first taste of snow

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