I love him because he’s my son!

About three weeks ago I had a little scare.  I woke up on that Saturday morning with this weird pain in my abdomen.  I have found that being pregnant brings on a lot of new weird pains in places you did not even realize existed.  But for some reason this pain brought on a sense of panic for me.  I tried to stay calm and think of all the normal pains and how this might just be one of those…..but it was really hard!  And then it really hit me…..this was not just a pregnancy…..this was my baby…..my baby boy.  I really, really wanted my baby boy and I love him.  I want to see his face.  I want to feel his baby skin.  I want to hear his cry.  I want to see his personality emerge.  I want to be his mommy!!!!

I’m sure those thoughts most women have early on in their pregnancy, but I have to admit that it took me a while to first believe I was actually pregnant, second to get over the shock of being pregnant and then third to realize that this truly was my little son!  I don’t think until this day that I actually thought about this baby bump as a little person, mostly because I’m pretty sure I was still in shock!  And all of a sudden, I wanted this little person more than anything!

No worries, everything is fine and Ben is growing and VERY active.  But I now have a new sense of love and longing for my little son!

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